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Lullaby Exercises Chicks and Chickens

List price: $29.99
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Price in points: 180 points
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Lullaby Exercises
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Going nuts trying to carve out a little "me time" to exercises while still getting your baby to take a nap? This soothing exercise program helps you work out and get your baby down for a nap at the same time! Just imagine, your work out is done, baby is asleep, and you get some real peace!

A fabulous new fix for fussy babies and “I want my pre-baby jeans back” mommies. Lullaby Exercises offers a new kind of workout for moms who want to take better care of themselves and their babes. The 35-minute DVD features a high-energy “groove” set and then slows is down as the “sleep” set sends the little one into slumberland. Includes an audio CD of the original soundtrack by singer/songwriter Lisa Phenix so the sets can be performed in the nursery as easily as in the living room.

You can get your workout while soothing baby to sleep. After your workout, just slip baby into their bed and you have a sleeping baby while you relax for a while or tackle the next thing on your list. You can truly multitask while enjoying some great bonding time with your baby.

The exercises are gentle and low-impact, so you won't throw out your back or stress your knees. Baby is cuddled and soothed while you burn some calories and get that high that only comes from getting in a good workout.

Perfect for use with a Moby Wrap or Mei Dai!

Opened packages may not be returned, exchanges only for defective DVDs.

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Our layaway offers you the opportunity to get the products you need on a payment plan. Using cloth diapers saves money, but we understand that getting your initial cloth diaper stash can be hard when you are short on cash. Our cloth diaper layaway plan allows you to spread the cost out over 3 months.

Select the items you need, then use the voucher code "LAYAWAY" when you checkout. You'll only be charged 25% of the cost of your order. I will set your items aside until they are paid for.

You will then be responsible for paying 25% each month for the next 3 months. If more than 90 days are needed please contact us at to make arrangements.

You can make payments on your layaway items with PayPal by putting "Layaway" and your name in the subject of the payment. Payments can be made using Paypal.  The email address for Paypal is  You can also pay with check or credit card. Please call us at 1-877-536-0850 for more information.

If you need to cancel your layaway order there will be a re-stocking fee equal to 25% of the total cost of the order.  Any additional money paid over the 25% will be refunded.  The re-stocking fee is to cover the time we held the items for you and they were not available to be sold to someone else, credit card/PayPal fees and staff time to enter and process the order and cancellation.

Certain items are drop shipped (cosleeper, etc.) from the manufacturer. These items are not actually ordered until the payment is made in full. In rare cases a manufacturer may change or discontinue a product during the payment period. If this happens and the product or a reasonable substitute (such as a different color) is not available then a refund will be issued.

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